The Carlisle Diocese Mothers Union is part of a 4 million strong organisation dedicated to developing a world where everyone prospers.
You don’t have to be Mother, or even a woman to join. Anyone who wants to show their faith in action is welcome. Find out more of what we do to achieve our aim by clicking on the boxes below.
We Help
The most disadvantaged at home
Our vision is a world where everyone prospers. We support those whose family lives have met with adversity in many ways. Such as supporting prisoners and their families, providing holidays and working with Women’s Aid to abolish gender based violence. Read below to see our new holiday caravan at St bees
Supportive, loving relationships
Mothers Union can provide information and support for those getting married. We support families whose lives have met with adversity, for example, providing holidays.
Your own relationship with God
Prayer is fundamental to the Mothers’ Union. We have a wave of prayers that travels round the world a midday, every day. We support one another and the work of MU through our prayer.
We Strengthen
Communities around the world
The subscriptions of members in UK support global projects such as literacy, numeracy and agricultural techniques to counteract cliamte change and empower women. These sessions are facilitated by trained, local Mothers’ Union members.
We Shape
How we advocate for the rights of families
Mothers’ Union’s fundamental aim is to support Mothers and all who bring up children. They advocate at the highest National and International levels to achieve this. Families have a right to safety, a warm home and enough food.
Examples of our work in Cumbria

Need a holiday but cannot afford one?

Carlisle Diocese Mothers’ Union have worked with Time to Change (West Cumbria) and Seacote Park to provide free holidays for those that need them. School holidays fill up fast, but the caravan has 3 bedrooms, ideal for adults facing challenges or are carers to go away with others. For more information contact