01946 823470
Farewell to our Bishop

The Diocesan Synod said its farewells to Bishop James and thanked him for his service, ministry and love to everyone in the diocese.   Please do sign the card insert that has gone to all branches The next three pictures, taken on the day, reflect the goodbye (sunset), the looking to the future (through the windows […]

They Kingdom Come

18-28th May is Thy Kingdom Come.   Centred around the feast of Pentecost You can find more information about Thy Kingdom Come  on the National website by clicking below There is a fun and illustrated prayer based on the Lord’s prayer.   click below to open it Praying with purpose offers a simple ABC prayer for you.  […]

Quiet Day

14 of us enjoyed the Quiet   Day in Rydal led by Rev Steve Carter (sorry I have taken the top of your head off, Steve!- I still have web site L plates!).    You can see from the guitar that the whole day was not quiet, but we led through reflections by Steve, using the […]

Knitting for Lent

Why not Knit your journey through Lent this year? You will end up with a wonderful scarf for Easter Day as well as having had a reflection for each day. As well as a verse for each day, you will knit about 12 rows a day.  Perhaps you might like to do it in a […]